Friday, April 20, 2012


The film didn't really show how the journalists or public relations suffered any consequences. Because most of the journalist had no idea where the information came from or the integrity of their sources, one has a hard time blaming them for lying to the public. On the part of Brean, however, he disregards all codes of ethics related to his profession and doesn't even seem to lose sleep over it. He also doesn't even suffer any personal consequences. He didn't even mind that he was putting his assistant, played by Heche, through personal stress and general hell.

The producer, however, did suffer consequences, but the consequences were not based on lying to the public but in wanting the credit all to himself and facing death because in order to get credit he would have to spill national security secrets.

In this film, DeNiro plays a public relations professional that temorarily takes on the role of god. deciding who says what and who gets it live or die. It is unprofessional and both unethical and morally wrong. The only upside to the movie is that you dont have to look at media to realize that some professionals are unethical and evil. You can also look at doctors, teachers, and even parents and militia to determine that.

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