Friday, April 20, 2012

Playing with Dolls- How Journalists are Portrayed

The film portrays Public Relations as puppet masters and journalists and news reporters as puppets. The puppets with main contact to the public don't even seem to know where the source of information is coming from. To them there is no lie. The puppet masters continue to pull strings to get the public to react the way they want them to, even in the presence of CIA.

There is an blatant absence of right and wrong with no one addressing the issue. The film guides the people to believe that the american dream is being challenged by intruders when in reality, the American dream is being flushed down the toilet by a producer and a public relations expert.
In the film, public relations and journalism seem to take on a new creed based on the "No news is good news" this turns into "When there is no good news, make it up to produce some news."
The truth should always come out, whether the news casts a bad image on the individual or not. the people deserve to know who they can trust.

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